


leisure形容詞在leisure - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價

leisure · n.[U]. 閒暇,空暇時間;悠閒,安逸. adj. 空閒的;業餘的;有閒的,不以工作為生的 ; leisure · n. · 空閒. modif. 空閒的; 業餘的; 休閒的 ; leisure · U空閑,閑暇; ...


n. (名詞). 悠閑,安逸,空閑; 閑暇,空閑時間; 休閑,休養; 遊覽. 查看更多 adj. (形容詞). 空閑的,閑暇的,有空的,有閑的; 業餘的; 不以工作為生的. 查看更多 ...

leisure形容詞在leisurely (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音的討論與評價

TerHart told Travel and Leisure that he has always been interested in how people traveled at sea in the past. TerHart向《Travel and Leisure》透露,他一直都對 ...


    leisure形容詞在leisure (【名詞】空閒, 休閒)意思、用法及發音的討論與評價

    "leisure" 例句 ... Indoor rock climbing has become a very popular leisure activity in recent years. 室內攀岩在近年來變成非常熱門的休閒活動。

    leisure形容詞在休閒(名詞或形容詞) Suitable -... - English4tw/台灣美語通的討論與評價

    轉變為老少咸宜的休閒步道! Jian-tan Hiking Trail is a leisure trail suitable for children, transformed from a secret military post with a mysterious past!

    leisure形容詞在英文詞性必勝秘笈-形容詞- leisure-主題的討論與評價

    leisure [形容詞] 空閒的;業餘的; [名詞] 閒暇,空暇時間 ... LINE it! ... 例句與用法:. All this extra work I'm doing is breaking into my leisure time. 我目前的這一切 ...

    leisure形容詞在Leisure 释义| 柯林斯英语词典的討論與評價

    形容词. 6. free or unoccupied. leisure hours. 7. having leisure. the leisure class. 8. (of clothing). suitable to or adapted for wear during leisure; casual. a ...


    leisure. 2 ... leisure,英文单词,可作名词、形容词,翻译为空闲时间、空闲的、业余的等。

    leisure形容詞在Leisurely 释义| 柯林斯英语词典的討論與評價

    形容词 [usually ADJECTIVE noun]. A leisurely action is done in a relaxed and ... leisure wear · leisured · leisured class; leisurely; leisurely breakfast ...


    Leisure 可当名词, 形容词用, 而Leisurely, 則可当形容词或副词用, 其用法如下: Leisurely 1) 形容词定义: Acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried.

    leisure形容詞的PTT 評價、討論一次看
